Friday, February 23, 2007

Whose in your network?

"..."You are who your network is." You are who you know."

Unfortuantely, I believe this is all to true. People judge others on the people they surround themselves with. It's just like in high school, if you hangout with the gothic kids- people assume that you to are a gothic kid. Whatever they stand for, automatically becomes what you stand for, whether its true or not. This isn't all necessarily bad, I mean you choose your friends therefore you choose the imagine you want to protray to the world. Also, I think that these online social networks have become way to public. People should not be able to see your every move or everything you send. There comes to a point where you have to have some kind of privacy for nothing other than your own safety, much less sanity. In other words, choose your friends or network carefully because you will be judged because of your decisions and be careful with how much information you leave on the net, not everything is public right.

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