Sunday, February 11, 2007

checking out

Theres nothing worse than being starving and going to the grocery store. First of all, it takes forever to find what you need because they're always moving items to new aisles. Then, when you finally are ready to go, you get in line. Thinking that the self-checkout is the way to go, you get in line behind an older woman. After ten minutes you see she's only checked out 5 items out of her 3,545 items (well over the limit). But by now all the regular lines are packed and theres a line of 5 people behind you. The Speedy self-checkout is virtually nonexsistant. At least if the person infront of you is over 45.

1 comment:

The Lecturer said...

Hey now! Let's be very, very careful about who we are defining as OLD!